Couple meeting to discuss details of parenting plan with attorney

Creating an Effective Parenting Plan

Regardless of whether co-parents are getting a divorce or have never been married, a parenting plan will be put in place outlining a number of important issues, including child custody arrangements. A parenting plan is an agreement setting forth details and parameters of the co-parenting arrangement. While parenting plans can be...

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Person sitting at a job interview

Reentering the Workforce After Divorce

At the beginning of most marriages, both spouses have their own careers. They have their income streams and they share expenses. Once kids enter the picture, the financial dynamic can drastically change. It is still common for one spouse, usually the lower-earning spouse, to take a step back from their career in...

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Person collecting child support

What Can Child Support Payments Be Used For?

When you are going through a divorce and there are children involved, child support may very well come into play. After all, Florida law makes it clear that both parents of a child have a legal obligation to provide financial support. Upon divorcing, Florida child support guidelines will dictate what amount...

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Parent holding child's hand

Requesting Temporary Child Support

Divorces can take quite a bit of time to resolve. In the meantime, you may have difficulty providing for your children without financial assistance from your soon-to-be former spouse. If this is the case, you should pursue temporary child support by requesting it from the court. Here’s more information on how you...

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Divorcing couple with judge

What Happens to an LLC in a Divorce?

When you are going through a divorce, or about to go through a divorce, the division of the marital assets can be a particularly stressful sticking point of the whole process. After all, some of our assets are not only financially lucrative, but are also incredibly personal. If you are a...

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Woman signing divorce documents

Gifted Assets and Divorce

In a Florida divorce, marital assets are equitably divided between the spouses. Equitable division of the assets means that the assets are divided fairly under the circumstances and will not necessarily be divided in an equal split. Non-marital assets are not subject to division and remain the separate property of the...

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Divorce documents being signed

Grounds for Divorce in Florida

If you are considering filing for divorce in Florida, it is likely that you have a great many questions. After all, when you are contemplating divorce, you will have your own set of complex reflections to confront. When you make that step to actually pursue the legal process of divorce, a...

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