Parent holding child's hand

Is Sole Custody Available in Florida?

In Florida, child custody–referred to as “parental responsibility”--can be a significant and emotionally charged issue during divorce proceedings. Decisions surrounding parenting responsibilities, time-sharing, and family structure can shape the future of everyone involved, especially children. In some cases, one parent may seek “sole custody,” or what Florida law now refers to...

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mother on pane with children

Supporting Your Child Through a Custody Dispute

Divorce is typically a wrenching process, especially for the children involved. If the divorcing parents can’t agree on a child custody arrangement, the process is all the more grueling.                                         

At Orlando Family Team, we have more than two decades of experience helping clients throughout Central Florida guide their children...

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Divorcing couple sitting with attorney

Strategies for Resolving Co-Parenting Disputes

Co-parenting after a divorce or after the end of a relationship can be challenging. The problems that led to the end of a romantic relationship can carry over into the co-parenting relationship. Feelings of ill will, hurt, and general animosity can be tough to shake. There can also be disagreements over parenting...

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Divorcing couple discussing parenting plan for child

Common Shared Custody Arrangements

Determining a shared custody schedule between you and your co-parent can be a real feat of mental and logistical gymnastics. We all have our own lives, our own schedules, and schedules for our children as well. Managing all of this between two people who are trying to co-parent can be a...

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Couple meeting to discuss details of parenting plan with attorney

Creating an Effective Parenting Plan

Regardless of whether co-parents are getting a divorce or have never been married, a parenting plan will be put in place outlining a number of important issues, including child custody arrangements. A parenting plan is an agreement setting forth details and parameters of the co-parenting arrangement. While parenting plans can be...

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Divorcing couple discussing parenting plan in attorney's office

What Must Be Included in a Florida Parenting Plan

You may have referred it to a custody agreement, but, here in Florida, custody agreements are referred to as “parenting plans.” A parenting plan is required in all child responsibility cases and outlines critical details relating to the parent’s rights and responsibilities in regard to raising their children. The parenting plan...

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