Divorced man reviewing finances at table with calculator

Dealing with Debt After Divorce

While divorce can be best for everyone involved, the truth remains that it can put a financial strain on a person all too easily. Consider the fact that divorcing couples are going from a household where expenses are carried by two people to a household where one person will be responsible...

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Divorcing couple discussing parenting plan for child

Building a Positive Co-Parenting Relationship

Co-parenting can be a challenge under the best of circumstances. After a divorce, you may struggle to even tolerate your child’s co-parent, let alone build a positive relationship with them. Regardless of where you are at on your co-parenting journey, it will continue to be important for you to strive for...

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Man sitting with divorce attorney

A Guide to Financially Preparing for Divorce

Let’s face it, there are certain financial realities of divorce that must be confronted in order to help smooth the transition into post-divorce life. After all, there are costs associated with getting a divorce and then there is the move from what could be a two-income household of shared expenses to...

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Man and wife with family law attorney

Florida Divorce Timeline

If you have decided, or are even still in the process of deciding, to get a divorce, there are likely to be some strong, and mixed, emotions. You may feel anxious about the road ahead. The technical divorce process alone can be a bit daunting. As such, learning about what goes...

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Person sitting with divorce attorney

Who Gets to Keep the House?

Property division may be one of the most anxiety-inducing aspects of divorce. After all, who gets what can have powerful personal and financial consequences for everyone involved. Property such as the marital home can be a particularly contentious subject when it comes to property division. The home is often one of...

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