The Rise of Divorce Registries

Divorce marks a major life change. While others may focus on divorce being the end of a marriage, it is just as much, if not more so, the beginning of a new chapter in life. With all of the emotions and logistics wrapped up in divorce, this is sometimes overlooked. After a divorce, a person sets forth on a new start. This new start, however, can be set back when you consider the cost of divorce and the loss of assets that can occur during the division of the marital property during divorce proceedings. To help themselves or a loved one take on post-divorce life, many have turned to creating “divorce registries” to assist in the transition.

The Rise of Divorce Registries

Think of the times when you have been asked to buy something off of a registry. It was most likely for something such as a wedding gift or new baby registry. The gifts you buy off of a registry are to help the gift recipient transition into a new phase in life. Registries are supposed to be filled with things that will help support a loved one as they make a significant life change. What is divorce if not for a significant life change?

In recent years, there has been an uptick in the number of divorce registries being created. It can be viewed as marking a shift in the attitudes and understanding surrounding divorce. You see, people often forget that divorce can be logistically difficult to recover from, not just emotionally. Often, a person will have lost half of the property they owned and those things will need to be replaced. Savings may very well have been depleted due to divorce costs. On top of all of this, a person may also find themselves having to make alimony payments to a former spouse. These can be challenging times in which to try and rebuild a life.

Florida is an equitable distribution state. This means that marital property will be divided between spouses in a fair and equitable way during divorce. Equitable does not mean equal, but oftentimes there is close to a 50/50 split in marital assets. This means that a person is likely to have lost half of their assets and possessions in a divorce. Under such circumstances, it is easier to understand why divorce registries are on the rise.

Divorce registries are helping those setting out to post-divorce life to both rebuild their lives and restock necessary items that may have been lost in divorce. If registries are mechanisms for helping to support a loved one during major life transitions, then divorce should most certainly be included. In fact, many are setting up divorce registries for loved ones as a way to support them through what can be a challenging time in a person’s life.

Florida Family Law Attorneys

Divorce registries can help support a person who has gone through or is going through a divorce. For legal counsel you can trust to support you and fight for your rights throughout divorce, you can turn to the dedicated team of family attorneys at Bernal-Mora & Nickolaou. Contact us today.

About the Author
Andrew Nickolaou, Esq., B.C.S., is a founding partner at Bernal-Mora & Nickolaou, P.A. He practices almost exclusively in divorce, marital and family law. Andrew and his partner, Ophelia Bernal-Mora, Esq., B.C.S., joined forces in March 2016 to form the unique and boutique husband and wife family law team at Bernal-Mora & Nickolaou, P.A. Together, Andrew and Ophelia take a practical and team-based approach to all of their cases and clients to deliver the highest quality experience and representation.